First WWFF activity - OKFF-1570 - Jindřichovský mokřad

First WWFF activity - OKFF-1570 - Jindřichovský mokřad
First Flora&Fauna activity from OKFF-1570 - Jindřichovský mokřad
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First steps with SSTV

First steps with SSTV
Slow scan TV is one of the HAM disciplines I knew they existed, but had no experience with yet. So I went and changed it.
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First portable operation - SOTA OK/LI-014 Černá studnice

First portable operation - SOTA OK/LI-014 Černá studnice
My first portable operation ever has happened, so I wrote a few words how it went
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One month in HAM radio game

One month in HAM radio game
One month after getting my licence is over, so it’s time to recap a little
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Icom IC-7300 open transmit mod

Icom IC-7300 open transmit mod
I want to use my Icom IC-7300 for CB radio too, this brief article explains how to open transmission on all bands on this rig.
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HAM radio HAREC examination process in Czechia

HAM radio HAREC examination process in Czechia
This is description of how the process of obtaining a HAREC HAM radio licence looked like for me.
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Useful HAM radio resources and links

Useful HAM radio resources and links
This is dump of stuff I have randomly found on the internet and seems to be useful or interesting
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HAM radio operator wannabe

HAM radio operator wannabe
I’ve always loved to observe HAM radio operators. So now, shit just got serious!
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